Hello, childcare providers!

Congratulations on becoming a provider with The Central Nanny Agency. Follow the links throughout this page for more information on our process found in the ‘Childcare Provider Guide.’ We’ve also gathered some activities and tips for different age groups that you might consider doing with your children and families.

We’re so happy to have you aboard!

Activities that are sure to add a little extra fun to your workdays…

Work hard, play hard.

Care Guide

  • From beginner level nannies to expert level nannies, taking care of infants is a tough and remarkable feat that deserves the utmost respect. Providing care for infants is much different from providing care to a toddler or small child. Infants are different because they solely rely on you, as their caregiver, to tend to their every need and keep them safe, happy, and healthy. They can’t communicate with words as we can, and require more patience and work than other children. Essentially, there are a few extremely important things that baby will need from you: feeding, changing diapers, soothing, assisting to sleep, playtime, and love. Out of all of those key ingredients to a happy and healthy baby, genuine and unconditional love is one of the most important aspects.

    Our team has also created a playlist with detailed videos including information that will aide you in the process of caring for infants now or in the future. We also included some of our favorite baby soothing music for a nice touch.

  • Toddlers are interesting, challenging, extremely funny, and oh-so-wonderful! This stage of a little’s life is developmentally very important. It’s your responsibility as a caregiver to begin molding your toddler into the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves. Toddlers can typically speak and communicate with simple words (or even full sentences), hand and body signals, or other unique means. Toddlers also begin learning how to self feed within this stage of life. Not only are they becoming more independent in those aspects, they also begin potty training around this stage. You will likely be responsible for assisting with feeding, guiding through potty training, assisting to sleep, and playtime. While toddlers still need assistance in those aspects, within the years of early childhood, your developing little will typically have those tasks mastered. It is important to practice modeling respect and kindness for your little, creating independence, allowing room for (even the messiest and most chaotic) experiences in safe environments, and following set routines.

    Our team has created a playlist with detailed videos including information that will aide you in the process of caring for your toddler and early childhood littles.

  • Being a caregiver for an older child is one of the most rewarding experiences. Although most older children are able to provide care for themselves and don’t require much assistance in these stages of their life, you play a large role in their mental health, well-being, and personal development. It is important to know that during the pre-teen and teen years, structure is extremely important. It is also detrimental to teach children in this age window how to make confident decisions based on health, happiness, and safety. It is important to assist in the decision making processes, and be a friend, as well as a caregiver. Establishing a foundation for self confidence is also key in succeeding with these responsibilities. Always exemplify respect, compassion, following routine, safety, mental health care, self care, and uplift your (not so) littles.

    Our team has created a playlist with detailed videos including information that will aide you in the process of caring for your middle childhood and adolescent (not so) littles.